TSI celebrated its second birthday last Friday. It is now officially been two years since the clan was accepted. Since its creation TSI has been one of the most active clans of Pop:Re at least posting 100 points for clan leagues every month since its creation! Not many clans can say the same thing about their own activity. Through the years TSI has created two map packs, been 2nd in clan leagues, and has had an awesome time playing Populous with each other and with the rest of the Pop:Re community. We want to thank our members for making this possible and being active and great friends. We hope to celebrate many more birthdays in the future.
Since it has been awhile since the last update we will fill you in on some news about TSI from the last couple months.
In March TSI created another map pack TSI: Epic Battles. It is filled with awesome and fun maps! Maps include:
-Batman, by Ezra -Jewel, by Ezra -Across the Seas, by Ezra -Primule, by Ezra -Sieged, by Ezra -Crossed Paths, by Marcus -Judge Dredd, by DevilKazuya -Doomsday, by DevilKazuya -Black Skull, by DevilKazuya -Cross Reach, by DevilKazuya -Eye of Ra, by DevilKazuya -Hades Island, by DevilKazuya -Medusa's Realm, by DevilKazuya
We encourage all of you, TSI and non-members to play this fun filled map pack. Many of the maps have very original and new concepts you have never seen before and are sure to keep you guessing with some awesome effects and so many different strategies that can be used. Thanks to everyone who helped test and make TSI: Epic Battles possible. Thanks so much!
The member of the month for the past months (January-March) has been Ezra for January and February and Toruk_Makto for March. Thanks for your activity guys!
Since you last update TSI has also had two new members! Thiagoh and DevilKazuya. Thiagoh is a veteran Populous player who has been in previous clans with TSI members and always been good friends with TSI. We are very glad to have him in our clan! DevilKazuya is a new Populous player who since joining TSI has been very active and even contributed greatly to our new map pack TSI: Epic Battles. Welcome to TSI guys!
The website also has seen some changes in the recent months. Including a new page! The new page is called the "Get to know TSI" page and has each TSI member and a short description about them so community can get to know TSI a little better.
Thanks for reading and as always see you in the matchmaker! ~TSI