Wow! It has been a few months since TSI's last update and a ton of things have happened. TSI has welcomed new members and recruits, and some old members have come back, it has continued to post solid clan leagues points and had one really active member of the month! We have had a lot of fun the past few months, read on to find out what has happened in them.
As I said previously it has been a while since TSI's last update and we need to recognize the member of the months for the past months and thank them for their activity. Starting in April we had a tie between Marcus- and Toruk_Makto both getting 23 points respectively. This is the first time that has ever happened in the history of Member of the month, great job guys! Member of the month for May was Toruk again. For the last four months (June-September) the member of the month has been Android_17! This four month streak is the tied for the longest member of the month streak in TSI history which was set by Marcus in 2011. Congratulations Edwaard (Android_17)! Will Ed beat the Marcus' streak and hold the record for TSI? We will have to wait until September is over and find out in the next clan update. Until then good luck Ed and have fun!
In clan leagues TSI has been excelling compared to other clans. We have always been in the top ten and last month posted fourth! This is a great accomplishment considering our size compared to other clans. Last month Pop:Re released a clan league table showing the all time point totals of the every clan in the history of Pop:Re. TSI is 11th of all clans in Pop:Re's 11 year history. This is especially surprising considering how new TSI is compared to the other clans! We are the only clan in the top 15 that is under three years old. All of the other clans in top 15 are at least four or five years old! This proves TSI's excellence in terms of activity. We want to thank all the members who helped us get to where we are today.
TSI has grown since the last update with a few new members and recruits that we want to welcome into the clan! TSI welcomes loothill and Hatake_Kakashi as recruits of the clan. We hope in due time they will become members of TSI. We want to welcome Maganha, Shocks, and PanasonixMX2 as members of TSI! Shocks is an older player who recently returned back to populous while Maganha and Panasonix have both joined Pop:Re earlier this year. All three of them have been very active in matchmaker and forums and bring a lot to TSI in terms of skill, activity and friendship. We are very happy to have them in TSI and hopefully they have an awesome time in it as well.
The website is in the process of being updated so everything is active and runs smoothly. During the updates we are also going to include a new page with the history of TSI! This page will include the whole story of TSI from its start to where it is now. It will include all the stories that you may have previously not known. Make sure you watch for the new page to show up as it is sure to be a great and interesting read.
As always thanks for reading and see you in the matchmaker! ~TSI